Join the Friends of the Arboretum for an adventure to the world-renowned Horicon Marsh. The northern two-thirds of the marsh is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as the 22,000 acre Horicon National Wildlife Refuge. The southern third (11,000 acres) is managed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as Horicon Marsh State Wildlife Area. Together, both properties make up the largest freshwater cattail marsh in the United States and is a critical rest stop for thousands of migrating ducks and Canada geese. It is recognized as a Wetland of International Importance, as both Globally and State Important Bird Areas and is also unit of the Ice Age Scientific Reserve. This trip will allow you access to the DNR visitor center and Explorium to learn about the Marsh since its establishment in 1941. Participants will also have the opportunity to walk with the resident DNR Naturalist to explore the flora and fauna that make Horicon such a Wisconsin treasure. And, back by popular demand, this year’s trip will include a boat tour of the marsh with Horicon Marsh Tours. Remember to bring weather appropriate clothes.
So, bring your bird book and binoculars and let’s go!
Transportation will be by comfortable coach. Box lunch, water and snacks will be provided. Cost is $130 per person.
The trip is limited to 25 participants. Online registration is fastest. Prefer to download a pdf to send a check? Click here: Horicon Registration Form.docx
If registering by mail, please be sure the registration form and payment arrive by May 8.
A registration confirmation will be sent to you by email or mail. If a program you request is full, you will be contacted promptly. Reservations are transferable. If you give away your reservation, please send an email to call us at 608-890-2555 and let us know the name of the attendee. You also may cancel a reservation and request a refund at least 2 weeks ahead of the event. If you are unable to attend, please let us know, as there may be others on a waiting list.