First lecture: The Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor Rebuilding & Restoration Saga – Mark Wegner, City of Middleton Assistant Director of Public Lands-Forestry and Conservancy Lands
Second Lecture: Growing a Prairie – The Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy – Hans Hilbert, Co-President, Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy
Mark: This talk will shed light on the cleanup, planning, rebuilding, and restoration of the Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor including insights on FEMA, community planning, politics, and the dollars needed to repair the devastating damages of the 2018 flood event.
Hans: While the Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy is not a landowner, we have played a critical role in the acquisition of property to expand the conservancy. A history of land acquisition by the Friends will be presented including our most recent work assisting Dane County in restoring 160 acres of farmland to prairie.
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Photo: Gary Sater