Everyone is Listening for Something

Presented by Douglas Hill, Emeritus Professor of Music, UW-Madison Douglas Hill will present and discuss excerpts from four of his original compositions, inspired by the wilderness writings of Leopold, Olson, Derleth or Thoreau...the setting of word rhythms and subtle inferences from the selected language, the application of vocal qualities and instrumental tone colors to suggest […]


Putting the Kibosh on Extinction – the Power of Birds

                                          Presented by:  Craig Thompson, Chief of Program Integration, Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation, Wisconsin DNR Climate change and the extinction crisis are the greatest challenges of our time. Both phenomena pose existential threats to […]


Exploring the Arboretum Lost City Area

  The Lost City area of the Arboretum is an area rich in history as well as nature.  Guided by Michael Hansen, Arboretum Land Care Manager, and Mark Fuka, UW PhD student, Department of Integrative Biology, we will see the restoration work that the Land Care crew has been doing for the past year and […]


Effigy Mounds of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway

                                                    Presented by:  Mark E. Cupp, Executive Director of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board Mr. Cupp will provide information on the types of earthworks found in Wisconsin and will […]


Living One Water

                              Presented by:  Michael Mucha, Chief Engineer and Director, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Water is our world’s most precious resource and essential to everything we do. No matter who we are, where we live, or what we do, water connects all […]


The Great Lakes Compact After 15 Years

                                              Presented by:  Shaili Pfeiffer, Natural Resources Staff Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources The 2005 landmark agreement, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement, was signed by the eight […]


Ecological Restoration at Holy Wisdom Monastery

                                            Presented by:  Amy Alstad, Director of Land Management and Environmental Education Why is it that one of the nicest prairie restorations in Dane County is found at a Benedictine Monastery? Caring for the […]


Explore the UW Madison Geology Museum

  The “Badger State’s” history is embedded in the many geologic formations across the landscape. From deposits of galena to the impressive cliffs of quartzite, Wisconsin has many riches that have shaped our state’s society and economy.  To explore these natural wonders, we invite you to join the Friends of the Arboretum for a visit […]


Emerging Technologies for Supporting Pollinators and Pollination: Challenges and Opportunities

Presented by: Dr. James Crall, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, UW-Madison  Technology is rapidly transforming nearly all aspects of our lives, including how we interact with the natural world. In this talk, Dr. James Crall will explore how emerging technologies (including artificial intelligence and the internet of things) are creating new opportunities for researchers, practitioners, and […]


Journey North and Tracking Wildlife Migration: Celebrating 30 Years

                                            Presented by:  Nancy A Sheehan, Program Manager, UW-Madison Arboretum With population declines among migratory birds and insects, Journey North seeks to help researchers, land managers and the general public understand how migratory species […]
