Plant Sale Assistant
Friends of the Arboretum Mission Statement
Friends of the Arboretum builds positive relationships between people and the land through support of the UW–Madison Arboretum.
Friends of the Arboretum Native Plant Sale
The Friends of the Arboretum (FOA) hosts events, including an annual native plant sale, that raise funds and cultivate relationships to support the UW-Madison Arboretum. Proceeds from these events help FOA support educational programming and special projects at the Arboretum.
The FOA native plant sale will be held this year on May 17th. The sale provides local gardeners with a reliable source for native plants and expert gardening advice. It is FOA’s largest fundraising event of the year.
The Plant Sale Assistant assists the FOA Native Plant Sale and Events Coordinator to ensure the success of the annual FOA Native Plant Sale. Responsibilities for the position include assisting with marketing the plant sale; assisting with processing paperwork for orders; receiving deliveries; contacting customers and scheduling pick-up of pre-ordered plants; assisting in assembling materials for pick-up and sale days; volunteer recruitment, training and supervision; and assisting with staging the tent for the sale on May 17, 2025.
This temporary, part-time employee position reports to the FOA Plant Sale and Events Coordinator. The Plant Sale Assistant will have responsibilities from approximately April 16 to May 21, 2025. The position will average about 25 hours a week for the two weeks preceding the tent sale on May 17th and 3 to 8 hours a week otherwise, for a total of 60 to 70 hours.
The Plant Sale Assistant position requires excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. In addition, the position requires knowledge and ability in the following areas:
Computer Use
Knowledge of spreadsheets, word processing, and file-sharing systems. Experience with the Google suite of applications is a plus.
Written Communication
Preparation of instructions for customers and volunteers; record-keeping.
Relationship Management
Training and scheduling volunteers; providing excellent customer service.
Managing timelines; scheduling deliveries; planning the layout for deliveries.
Physical Requirements
Ability to drive, carry heavy items (up to 40 lbs including hoses, potted plants, boxes of supplies), go up and down stairs, and stand and walk for 3-4 hours at a time.
Familiarity with native plant species and a willingness to learn more are a plus, as is ability to assess plant health for deliveries and maintain plant health prior to sale.
Application process
Please submit a brief resume and a cover letter to For assured consideration, please submit your application materials no later than March 10, 2025. Questions about the position may be directed to the FOA Plant Sale and Events Coordinator, Allison Eyring-Green, by email at