Exploring the UW Arboretum Longenecker Gardens

Join David Stevens, living collections curator of the Longenecker Horticultural Gardens, for an exclusive tour of Wisconsin’s premiere collection of woody plants. The Gardens, often referred to as a tree […]


Climate Change and Wisconsin’s Lakes

Presented by Hilary Dugan, Assistant Professor, Center for Limnology, UW-Madison A look at how climate change is affecting freshwaters in Wisconsin. How, why, and where lakes are changing, and what we […]


The Wisconsin Native Plant Garden: Reflections and Resilience

Presented by Susan Carpenter, native plant garden curator, UW-Madison Arboretum As spring approaches, our dormant garden comes to life. This garden's growth and development provides lessons for creating resilient gardens […]


Trip to Horicon Marsh

                                                        Join the Friends of the Arboretum for an adventure to the […]


Everyone is Listening for Something

Presented by Douglas Hill, Emeritus Professor of Music, UW-Madison Douglas Hill will present and discuss excerpts from four of his original compositions, inspired by the wilderness writings of Leopold, Olson, […]
