Exploring the UW Arboretum Grady Tract

Thursday, May 19, 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. $20.00, Limited to 20 people By popular demand, we return to the beautiful Grady Tract and Greene Prairie to see spring’s glory as Michael Hansen, the Arboretum Land Care Manager, leads us on an exploration of this much-loved part of the Arboretum. We’ll learn about the history of […]


Managing Wisconsin Water Resources: Past, Present and Future

  Presented by Carl Sinderbrand and Paul Kent Water is one of those resources we often take for granted here in Wisconsin. Unlike Western states, which often face water constraints and shortages, we often have too much water.  Yet there are uses of water in Wisconsin, especially groundwater, that are not sustainable in terms of […]


Exploring the UW Arboretum Longenecker Gardens

Join David Stevens, living collections curator of the Longenecker Horticultural Gardens, for an exclusive tour of Wisconsin’s premiere collection of woody plants. The Gardens, often referred to as a tree museum, were first established in 1935 and contain Wisconsin’s largest collection of woody plants with approximately 4,000 specimens representing over 2,600 taxa spread over 38 acres. David, the collection’s […]


Impacts of Past and Present Climate Change on Alpine Insects in Western North America

Presented by Sean Schoville, Associate Professor of Entomology, and the current Director of the Center for Ecology and the Environment, UW-Madison Montane ecosystems of western North America provide a wonderful system to test a wide range of evolutionary and ecological processes, as environmental gradients across elevation and isolation among mountains provides opportunities to repeatedly study […]


Darners and Skimmers and Pondhawks, Oh My! The Life History of Damselflies and Dragonflies

   Presented by Bob Honig; retired environmental consultant In the presentation, you'll hear about how these insects make their living. You'll learn details of mating and reproduction and find out answers to such questions as: Is it possible to breathe and poop via the same orifice? Can dragonflies prey on birds? What backyard pond features […]


Climate Change and Wisconsin’s Lakes

Presented by Hilary Dugan, Assistant Professor, Center for Limnology, UW-Madison A look at how climate change is affecting freshwaters in Wisconsin. How, why, and where lakes are changing, and what we can do to curtail current trends. Luncheon-Lectures are held in the Arboretum Visitor Center Auditorium. A light lunch is followed by the educational presentation. This […]


The Arboretum’s Grady Tract: 200 Acres of History, Restoration, and Research

  Presented by Michael Hansen, Land Care Manager, UW-Arboretum Michael will provide an introduction to the Grady Tract, the Arboretum's 200-acre parcel located south of the Beltline Highway. He will discuss the site's history and unique features, early Arboretum restoration projects such as Greene Prairie and current projects being undertaken by the land care crew. […]


Conservation in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Driftless Area to the World

  Presented by Curt Meine, Senior Fellow, Aldo Leopold Foundation/Center for Human and Nature;  Adjunct Associate Professor, UW-Madison The Driftless Area of the Upper Midwest is distinguished by its unique natural and cultural history.  The region’s rugged landscape of ridges and valleys has presented special environmental challenges.  The region has also fostered important innovations to […]


The Wisconsin Native Plant Garden: Reflections and Resilience

Presented by Susan Carpenter, native plant garden curator, UW-Madison Arboretum As spring approaches, our dormant garden comes to life. This garden's growth and development provides lessons for creating resilient gardens at our homes and in community spaces. Discover practices and inspiration for starting or enhancing your native plant garden. Luncheon-Lectures are held in the Arboretum […]


The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin: Saving What We Love Together

Presented by Elizabeth Koehler, Wisconsin State Director for The Nature Conservancy From Wisconsin’s Northwoods to Door County and the grasslands of southern Wisconsin, The Nature Conservancy has been protecting the lands and water we depend on and cherish for almost 63 years. Wisconsin State Director Elizabeth Koehler will share some conservation highlights from the past […]
