Tsuga canadensis – Canadian Hemlock


One 3-gallon pot curbside at McKay Nursery in Oregon, WI.

Plant height: 15′-20′

In stock

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A beloved member of dark, deep and mysterious northern forests, Canadian Hemlock is an evergreen that’s great for planting in shady places, especially north-facing slopes. It needs protection from the wind and does well in sites with plenty of moisture and acidic soil. It’s a graceful tree with loose, open growth, slender and drooping branches. Be sure to maintain good moisture by mulching plants. Water during periods of drought and after transplanting. This tree grows to be around 30-40′ tall and 25-35′ wide. Pot size is 3-gallon.

Pickup for this plant will be in May at McKay Nursery in Oregon, WI.

Photo credit: McKay Nursery