An assortment of native wildflowers that will provide nectar and pollen to support the endangered Rusty patched bumble bee. Planted in a sunny or part sunny spot(check flower requirements) this garden will provide an April though October season of beautiful blooms to delight your eyes while it helps sustain the Rusty patched. This garden includes plants such as spring blooming Wild Geranium, summer blooming Leadplant, Wild Bergamot, Culver’s Root, Mountain Mint, Obedient Plant, Great Blue Lobelia, Spotted Joe Pye Weed, Anise Hyssop and Giant Lavendar Hyssop, and late season blooming Showy Goldenrod and New England Aster.
Included is a Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Garden Sign (see photo above). Place this 24”W x 18” H sign with stakes in your garden to help neighbors understand the difference your garden is making!
Choose between a full flat of 32 plants, or half flat of 16 plants.